
A Sanskrit Study & Application Group

मिलित्वा संस्कृतसाहित्यं पठाम​, संस्कृतेन वदाम​, अद्भुतं रचयामश्च​!!

Together let us read Sanskrit literature, speak in Sanskrit and create something wonderful!!

प्रयोगशालायां किं क्रियते?

अद्भुतं सहित्यं पठाम​





संस्कृतेन सम्भाषणं करवाम​

प्रतिसप्ताहं पादोन​-घण्टा यावत् संस्कृतेन सम्भाषणम्

Note: You will be part of Sambhashanam group if you enrol in PrayogaH. To know more about Sambhashanam click here.

कथापुस्तकानि रचयाम​

संस्कृते कथाः लिखित्वा कथापुस्तकानि रचयाम​!

We shall write stories in Sanskrit and make Sanskrit story books!

श्लोकविश्लेषणं करवाम​

श्लोकान् सुभाषितानि च स्वीकृत्य व्याकरणरीत्या, अर्थरीत्या, गूढार्थरीत्या च विश्लेषणं करवाम​!!

We shall analyse shlokas from grammar, meaning and deeper meaning view points!!

नूतनविचाराणां स्वागतम्

भवतां नूतनविचाराणाम् उपायानां च आदरः प्रयोगः च निश्चयेन क्रियते| संस्कृतभाषायाः ज्ञानस्य सदुपयोगः एव अस्माकं लक्ष्यम्।

Your new thoughts and ideas will be respected and applied practically. The proper use of our knowledge of Sanskrit language is our goal.


मम विषये

I am a native Sanskrit speaker who has been speaking this language from the time I started speaking. My mother, Dr.Rupa, a Sanskrit scholar, a retired professor and Head of the Department of Sanskrit at the University of Mysore, made it a point to speak to her children only in Samskritam. So till this day I speak only in Samskritam with my mother and sister. I have done M.A in Sanskrit from Karnataka State open University and also MSc in Vedic Sciences from MIT IIKS Pune. I have been teaching Sanskrit to many people even when I was still in high school. But formally I worked as a Sanskrit teacher at Akshar Centre for Education, a Waldorf school in Chennai for 4 years. I worked as a Sanskrit Acharya at Agastya Gurukulam for 4 years. And I also teach Sanskrit at Pokhrama Foundation Academy, an NGO in the Pokhrama village of Bihar. I started taking online classes for kids and adults from 2019 and have completed 15 batches successfully. This language is divine and beautiful rich with poetry, literature, stories, science, mathematics, wisdom and spirituality. I am sure you will enjoy your journey with Sanskrit. It will give joy and peace to your intellect and your heart.

Shubha Vengadakrishnan

कदा भवति?


The Study Group will meet

1. On Alternate Tuesdays 7 to 8 pm IST for Studying Sanskrit texts and for creating something using Sanskrit.

2. People enrolling for the study group will also be part of the Sambhashanam group which is only for conversing in Sanskrit. The Sambhashanam sessions will happen every Thursday 8:30 pm to 9:15 pm IST.

Please Note: For studying we meet on Alternate Tuesdays


Speaking sessions are on every Thursday

Who Can Join?

  • Those who have completed PrarambhaH (level1) and PragatiH (level2) with Shubha.
  • Those who have studied Sanskrit elsewhere but can make proper sentences in Sanskrit and also have the knowledge of Sandhi, Samasa apart from other basics like usage of vibhaktis, lakaras etc.

Who Cannot Join?

  • Those who do not know the basics of Sanskrit. Because this is a study group and Sanskrit language is not taught here.
  • Those who know only very little basics like vibhakti usage and lakara usage but do not know Sandhis and Samasas. For learning this you need to join my level 2 course named PragatiH

How Will You Benefit??

  • Your Sanskrit language skill will not be forgotten
  • Your Sanskrit language skill will enhance and grow because we will be studying some great texts!
  • You will be a co-author of a Sanskrit story book
  • You will learn and understand how to study and deciper Sanskrit texts as you will be studying them under expert guidance
  • You will gain more practice and experience is deciphering the meaning of Sanskrit shlokas
  • You will receive support if you have ideas on contributing to the field of Sanskrit. For example developing a course on a stotra or writing a book etc.
  • Your Sanskrit speaking fluency will definitely improve as we will be conversing in Samskritam. And you will also be part of Sambhashanam (A Sanskrit speaking group) where we converse only in Samskritam
  • You get to participate in interesting activities related to Sanskrit that we will be taking up
  • You get to share and implement your ideas on contributing to Sanskrit with a supportive community backing you
  • You will receive lots of motivation and support to do anything you wish to do to contribute to the field of Sanskrit
  • You will get to read a lot of simple story books that will be suggested to you.

Fee Details

INR 1800/month

  • Access to PrayogaH community
  • Access to Sambhashanam (Sanskrit speaking group) community worth Rs.799/month
  • Study of beautiful Sanskrit texts with Shubha
  • Be a co-author of Sanskrit story books
  • Receieve support to create something beautiful to contribute to the field of Sanskrit.

A supportive community

This will be a supportive community to help you not just keep in touch with the Sanskrit language but also support and motivate you to use your Sanskrit language knowledge to build something beautiful and contribute to the growth and spread of Sanskrit language. You are most welcome to be a part of this community.

Here’s how it works


Once you enrol, you will get access to the community page. You also get access to Sambhashanam's (Sanskrit-speaking group) community page. There you will find the link to the zoom meeting and also other details.

All communication happens through community page.

Sanskrit Text

A nice piece of Sanskrit literature (prose or poetry or drama) will be chosen. You can prepare to present in the live session or we can do the study in the live session with the help of Shubha.

Literature can be chosen by the instructor or based on participants' suggestions.

Some simple Sanskrit story book suggestions will also be given.

Story book & other

A theme for the story book will be chosen. Each one can write his/her story in simple Samskritam. And during the live sessions corrections will be made. We will be publishing these story books. There is a shortage of Sanskrit story books. So let's contribute to this scarcity.

We can think of other ways to contribute to the field of Sanskrit

Thank you for your interest in the Sanskrit language!

If you have further queries feel free to drop an email to I am happy to help.

I feel so happy to see your interest in wanting to speak in this beautiful, ancient and divine language Samskritam. Wish you a great success with your Sanskrit studies!!